

GHLH 5400 |医疗保健系统、组织和报销| 5学分| 8周

本课程介绍了我国卫生保健系统的历史和演变.  卫生保健组织的结构和功能, 在内部和彼此之间, 进行了深入研究. 行政和管理的系统方法涵盖在卫生保健范围内.  对卫生服务的组织进行了审查,并概述了卫生服务之间的相互作用, 的积分, the major 卫生保健 subsystems: primary; secondary; tertiary; long-term; palliative; special populations/disorders.  在一个系统的和综合的框架内提供医疗保健是整个课程的重点. 除了, the course covers the current state of the health insurance industry and reimbursement for services in the United States.  管理式护理的现状及其持续的演变进行了深入的研究.  Private and public reimbursement structures and functions are studied in detail as well as application of reimbursement management principles. 进入课程

GHLH 5050 |医疗保健组织领导力| 4学分| 8周

This course examines organizational leadership in 卫生保健 settings and the role that visionary leaders play in empowering employees, 为有效的工作单位提供环境, 利用多样性(组织性), 认知和生理文化)竞争优势. 预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 5200 |卫生保健研究方法| 4学分| 8周

这个模块是一个介绍 定量 研究方法的一般和 卫生保健 特别是研究方法.  首先,对研究进行概述,注意各种目的和方法.  接下来是 定量 re搜索 process are studied; including the re搜索 problem, 文献综述, 方法, 人类受试者关注, 数据收集, 分析, 数据的结果, 和结论.  介绍了统计软件作为分析、解释和呈现数据的工具.  重点是理解统计分析的概念, 选择合适的工具, 以及在给定上下文中使用的过程, 使用计算机来执行程序, 然后在给定的环境中解释计算机的结果.  预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 5600 |医疗信息与传播| 4学分| 8周

This course introduces all of the fundamental elements of informatics; health information systems, 健康记录系统, 信息技术.  The clinical and administrative information needs and use of computer tools of a healthcare organization are covered.  学生将学习管理数据和临床系统之间的相互关系.  学生将学习与电子病历(EMR)的区别。, 电子健康记录(EHR), 和个人健康记录(PHR).  The course also covers the role and function of Health 信息rmation Exchanges (HIE) such as a Regional Health 信息rmation Organization (RHIO).除了 this course is designed to meet the needs of student in health communication as well as those in the clinical and administration health professions.  Students will learn the core concepts of planning a communication frameworks as well as strategies for reporting, 政策和倡导的沟通, 健康素养和算术能力.  预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 5550 |健康结果、绩效和六西格玛| 4学分| 8周

本课程涉及质量保证, 从系统思考者的角度看卫生保健的质量改进和风险管理. The conceptual framework for the course is twofold in nature: 1) Continuous Quality Improvement/Total Quality Management (CQI/TQM) and Outcomes Assessment, 目前最全面和完善的医疗保健质量管理框架, 2)风险管理, 预防不良护理质量问题的最有效方法是什么. Topics included in the course are 1) the history of Quality Management  in healthcare from 1900 to the present, including the roles of the Joint Commission on 认证 of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), 2) a brief introduction to the principles of systems thinking and their application in the healthcare setting, 3)原则, 质量管理的过程和工具, 4)质量管理的其他方法概述(如.g., 医疗保健中的六西格玛, 再造, ISO 9000)以及它们如何适应CQI/TQM框架, 5)卫生保健风险管理的历史, 6)风险管理技术,如降低风险, 知情同意, 医疗记录作为优质护理的证据, 报告不良事件, 与痛苦或愤怒的病人/家属沟通, 7)这些概念和工具在当今现实医疗环境中的引入和使用. 学生将获得精益六西格玛黄带并了解如何实施, 执行, 在熟练但有限和/或支持性的环境中解释和应用精益六西格玛. 学生还将获得医疗保健改善研究所(IHI)的基本安全证书. 学生将选择一门课程- GHLH 5550或GBUS 5650. 预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GBUS 5650 |项目管理| 4学分| 8周

项目管理已被证明是在成本范围内交付产品的最有效方法, 时间表, 资源限制. This intensive and hands-on course gives you the 技能 to ensure your projects are completed on time and on budget while giving the user the product they expect. You will gain a strong working knowledge of the basics of project management and be able to immediately use that knowledge to manage work projects effectively. 在课程结束时, 您将能够识别和管理产品范围, 建立一个工作分解结构, 创建项目计划, 创建项目预算, 定义和分配资源, 管理项目开发, 识别和管理风险, 并了解项目采购流程. Student will receive the training needed to sit for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam; PMI's Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is an entry-level certification for project practitioners, 专为经验较少的人设计. Software and materials are covered by the University and student is responsible for arranging and paying for CAPM certification test. 学生将选择一门课程- GHLH 5550或GBUS 5650. 预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 5900 |医疗保健专业人员领导力培训和人力资源| 5学分| 8周

因为医疗管理越来越复杂, many leaders are turning to leadership coaching – long used successfully by business leaders and sports figures – to become more effective in their roles as leaders.  Being coached by a leadership coach is not about fixing one’s weaknesses; it is about embracing who one 真的 is.  领导力培训, 作为领导力发展的工具, 是关于挖掘自己的长处吗, 礼物, 以及独特的能力——为什么一个领导者迄今为止如此成功.  有效的指导可以培养员工的技能, 地址的缺点, 培养领导能力, 并提高执行绩效.  Surveys show that employees at multiple organizational levels find coaching very useful and are calling for more coaching and better quality coaching.  学习如何成为一名有效的教练需要培养一套独特的能力.  本课程建立在组织领导模块的基础上,将帮助您建立知识, 技能, and abilities necessary to coach yourself and those around you more effectively in order to enhance leadership and work 执行ance. This course reviews the current state of human resource management and labor relations in the 卫生保健 system. 除了, 本课程探讨人力资源规划, 招聘, 保留, 取向, 工作分析/描述, 绩效考核与导向.  审查现行就业和劳动法对卫生保健组织和雇员的影响.  Students will explore the status of organized labor and health administrator roles/responsibilities when interacting with non-unionized or unionized units. 预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 5800 |医疗财务管理| 5学分| 8周

本课程的重点是成本中心和利润中心, 并检查成本会计, 本量分析, 预算和方差分析, 以及相关的决策成本. The structure and function of the 卫生保健 finance system in the United States is reviewed and students study the various sources of funding, 私人和公共, 当它们通过第三方付款人流向护理提供者/设施时.   The course approaches finance within individual 卫生保健 organizations from a managerial framework by focusing on decision-making that is driven by management functions.  医疗保健和非营利性融资的独特方面也是课程的主要主题.  预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 6000 |卫生政策、道德、就业与法律| 4学分| 8周

This course presents a review of the formation of governmental policy at all levels and how it impacts and regulates 卫生保健 delivery in the United States.  行政遵守卫生保健法规是本课程的重点.  审查了管理患者与保健提供者/组织之间关系的法律.  Health care law is examined through study of case law that directly impacts the administration of 卫生保健 services and facilities. 预修或并行课程:GHLH 5400.

GHLH 6900 |保健战略规划| 4学分| 8周

这是健康管理课程的顶点研究课程.  所有其他的 必修课程 必须在注册本课程前完成.  本课程从系统的角度回顾战略思维和规划. Students will integrate the knowledge and information from their previous course work and employ strategic planning tools, 发展综合研究经验的技术和数据.  The course culminates in the development of comprehensive business plan in a 卫生保健 industry sector selected by the students.  学生可以独立工作,也可以请求指导老师制作一个团队开发的商业计划. Capstone项目的第一部分. Pre-req GHLH 5400 and GHLH 5200; May be taken concurrently with GHLH 5600, GHLH 5550或GBUS 5650, GHLH 5900, GHLH 5800; GHLH 6000, GHLH 5050

GHLH 6950 |卫生组织转型| 4学分| 8周

This course prepares 卫生保健 professionals to lead change and drive the transformation of 卫生保健 organizations in the 21st 世纪.  研究的要素是成就导向, 管理伦理, 基于价值观的领导, 社区服务, 创新, 建立关系, 问责制, 以及过程和项目管理. Capstone项目的第二部分. Pre-req GHLH 5400; GHLH 5200, and GHLH 6900 ; May be taken concurrently with GHLH 5600, GHLH 5550或GBUS 5650, GHLH 5900, GHLH 5800; GHLH 6000, GHLH 5050

585.594.6600 or AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu


卫生管理学士,理学学士.S. -利用你过去的医疗保健经验来获得你的健康管理,B.S. 最快12-24个月就能在纽约州罗切斯特或网上找到.
护理教育硕士.S. - The Master's in Nursing Education is based on nursing science with a focus on advancing clinical and evidence-based teaching 技能 needed to work in college, 大学, 以及临床环境. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of 卫生保健, 循证实践, 以及最新的技术进步来发展你的领导能力和知识. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu