R.N. B.S. ——课程


RNBS 3100 |本科护理实践导论| 3学分| 8周

本课程将向学生介绍关怀理论, 反思性实践, 以及全人护理实践. 学生将学习护理史, 当今影响护理和保健的当代问题, 人的幸福, 终身学习, 职业价值观, 以及专业护理实践中的沟通. 本课程介绍跨专业合作实践.

RNBS 3250 |健康评估| 3学分| 8周

This course will introduce the student to comprehensive assessment of individuals within a holistic framework.  学生将利用护理史和身体检查以及发展, 性, 精神, 文化, 精神评估.  学习或复习检查、触诊、叩诊和听诊的基本技能.  探索修改具体年龄综合考核方式.  Students will consider their development from a novice to an expert nurse and examine the development of nursing diagnosis and contemporary methods of applying nursing process through managed care.  Several theoretical frameworks will be introduced as the student considers his/her personal philosophy of nursing.  本课程除线上小组作业外,还包括实验活动.

RNBS 3300 |医疗质量与安全| 3学分| 8周

This course prepares nurses to engage in quality and 安全 initiatives in healthcare and practice settings.  学生使用生物科学知识, 社会科学, 物理科学, 人文学科发展技能,提高卫生保健服务的质量和安全性, 最终改善不同个体的医疗保健结果, 考虑到保健差距的群体和社区.  学生将学习系统思维的价值,重点是团队合作和协作, 质量改进, 安全, 医疗标准, 以及用于改善医疗保健结果的信息学.  学生将完成16小时的临床实践经验.  A 质量改进 project will be identified during this course as the foundation for the capstone project.

RNBS 3400 |循证护理实践| 3学分| 8周

This course provides a foundational overview of 循证实践 and the critical appraisal of best evidence literature. The course is designed to teach 循证实践 skills that will enable the RN-BS student to conduct evaluations of existing literature related to improving care. 学生学习以可回答的形式提出临床问题, 寻找并确定最佳证据, 并评估证据的严谨性和对实际问题的适用性. 科学探究的基本原则, 定量和定性研究方法, 研究伦理, 并介绍了对人类受试者的保护. 学生将完成8小时的实习经历. The course will culminate with a review of the literature to support a 质量改进 initiative as a foundation for the capstone project.

RNBS 4200 |临床判断与决策| 3学分| 8周

本课程强化疾病过程的病理生理学和药理学治疗. 本课程着重于生理变化, 临床表现, 以及用于影响疾病进程的药物疗法.  本课程整合了解剖学。, 生理学, 化学, 微生物学, and pharmacology to provide a basis for study of diseases and pharmacotherapeutic agents with a focus on the application to clinical practice regarding medication administration and 安全.  This course focuses on medications that are used in the care of individuals experiencing alterations in mobility, 消除, 氧化, 免疫力, 新陈代谢系统.

RNBS 4300 |护理领导新趋势| 3学分| 8周

This course will prepare nursing students with knowledge and skills to lead and manage care in a variety of healthcare settings.  领导理论的探索, 领导者的影响力, 团队建设, 情商, 道德, 健康的工作文化也包括在内.  学生将获得多种领导技能,如决策, 代表团, 解决冲突, 宣传, 绩效评估和预算管理医疗保健政策和政治对医疗保健的影响进行了探讨和讨论.  Students participate in a total of 16 hours of leadership practice experience and develop a plan for leading a practice change project in the practice setting.

RNBS 4400 |人口健康| 3学分| 8周

人口健康是一门为期八周的缩短课程.5个学分的课堂学习,0.临床学习5学分.  人口健康包括社区和公共卫生护理以及其中的各个方面.  Community and public health nursing differ from acute-care settings in care and in both philosophy and scope.  在本课程中, students will focus on the role of the Baccalaureate-prepared nurse in community and public health settings.  将审查和探讨流行病学及其在社区卫生中的应用.  将有机会了解社区/公共卫生环境中的家庭情况.  Opportunity is built into the course to enhance knowledge as the student applies the principles learned in class through self-study, 社区注册护士评估, 以及在社区内发现社区机构或资源.

RNBS 4550 |顶点经验| 3学分| 8周

学生将完成45小时的临床实践经验.  在这段经历中, students will synthesize the knowledge and competencies gained in the program to implement and evaluate an improvement project specific to a practice setting using an evidence-based approach.  The course will culminate in a scholarly presentation and portfolio to demonstrate the student’s ability to use 循证实践, performance improvement principles and leadership skills to effectively manage change in a healthcare environment.

human 3020 |人文:全人方法| 3学分| 8周

本课程旨在培养知识, 通过文学和艺术来理解和欣赏人文学科. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own lives vis-à-vis issues raised in assigned prose and poetry, 视频和讲座材料, 以及课堂讨论. A Judeo-Christian perspective provides a framework within which to examine personal experience in relation to the world in which we live.

HUMN 3010 |成人教育历史与哲学| 3学分| 8周

学习, 正式的和非正式的, 是发生在工作场所的终身过程吗, 社区, 教会, 这个家庭, 还有教室.  This course introduces students to the field of adult education as they become familiar with the beliefs and assumptions that guide the practice of adult education within a philosophical framework.  Students will use the David Kolb model of experiential learning to analyze their learning and application within specific subject areas and will submit essays demonstrating learning for assessment for academic credit.

数学2400 |基础统计学| 3学分| 8周

本课程将向学生介绍一些描述和推理的基本概念, 包括频率分布, 图, 数字摘要, 概率分布, 置信区间, 均值的单样本和双样本假设检验, 相关与回归, 卡方测试, 方差分析.

The central goal of this course is to provide students with the foundational knowledge to make informed judgments about the application of statistics in nursing re搜索 and its usefulness in meeting the wholistic needs of clients and advancing the profession of nursing.

PHIL 2202 |个人价值观 & 生物伦理学| 3学分| 8周

This course will assist students to better understand their own values and the relationship of those values to professional activities. Topics covered include the most influential and useful theories of 道德 and justice that can be applied to the students’ own lives and to the ethical situations and dilemmas that arise in the nursing profession. 学生将参与价值观澄清, 建立个人的道德体系, 学习一步一步的道德决策过程, and apply these to a wide range of issues and conflicts that nurses encounter in clinical cases and other workplace situations. 


先前学习的学分机会 是根据每个学生单独设计的学习计划提供的吗.



卫生管理硕士.S. - The Master's in Health Administration is an innovative and contemporary blend of health administration and business coursework designed to provide students with sought-after skills for medical and health services management. 工作的专业人士可以在18个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
护理教育硕士.S. - The Master's 在护理 Education is based on nursing science with a focus on advancing clinical and evidence-based teaching skills needed to work in college, 大学, 以及临床环境. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of health care, 循证实践, 以及最新的技术进步来发展你的领导能力和知识. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
RN到M.S. 在护理 -如果你有非护理专业的学士学位, 护理学副学士学位, 以R的身份工作.N. (每周最少20小时), 那么这个完全在线的注册护士到护理硕士课程就是为你设计的!
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